The Crop Circle

TLDR: Spikeball™ = the brand. Roundnet = the sport. So you've heard this word 'roundnet' floating around and, because you are a clever human, have guessed it has something to do with a round net. ...

6 ACTUALLY FUN & REALISTIC ideas for keeping your family entertained this summer
“MOOOOM I’M BORED”. Take a sigh of relief, because that’s the last time you’ll be hearing those words for a while. Here are six summer fun ideas to keep your kids, tweens, teenagers, or even grandp...

Spikeball™ Named Official Sponsor of Summer
Breaking news: after months of negotiations, Summer has officially signed a ground-breaking deal with Spikeball ™, making them their title sponsor for 2024. Yes, you heard that right. Spikeba...

Top Graduation Gift Idea: Spikeball for Your Teen's Next Adventure
Are you on the hunt for the perfect graduation gift for your teen? Want to be forever known as the cool parent? Say hello to Spikeball – the game that's captivating high schoolers everywhere and ...

Hang up, hang out - The Game That's Getting Kids Off Their Phones
October 12, 2023 In an age dominated by screens, where kids and teenagers are often engrossed in smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles, there's a refreshing game that's makin...

It’s April 2018... Tom Rogers, a spritely young fellow living in Wales, has two weeks off in-between jobs. In the three years prior, he’d gotten heavily involved in the European spike scene, even c...