Spikeball vs Roundnet

TLDR: Spikeball™ = the brand.
Roundnet = the sport.
So you've heard this word 'roundnet' floating around and, because you are a clever human, have guessed it has something to do with a round net. The term roundnet was coined a few years ago to distinguish the sport from the brand, Spikeball. Why? Well in order to grow the brand and the sport globally, it's important to secure trademarks and limit liability. Separating the sport from the brand also allows the sport to grow more organically e.g. people can set up roundnet governing bodies & tournaments.
Right this has all got far too technical and boring.
Enough reading - get out there and play some roundnet... on a Spikeball kit 😉
Cast your beady eyes over this article if you wanna dive into more detail: https://tournaments.spikeball.com/pages/spikeball-vs-roundnet-a-users-guide