Tournaments, back in the hands of the community!
A Word From Our CEO
Spikeball Inc. is retiring the Spikeball Tour Series (STS). It's been an amazing run and we’re proud of the foundation we’ve helped lay for the sport to now operate in a more sustainable, scalable fashion.
Spikeball will now double down on supporting organizations and national governing bodies leading roundnet's growth. We look forward to expanding mutually beneficial relationships with the International Roundnet Federation, USA Roundnet, American Spikers League/Pro League, the European Roundnet Association, and hundreds more large and small organizations globally.

Why The Shift?
Spikeball started hosting events in 2013 when there were no other organized roundnet tournaments. Over the past decade, we’ve witnessed incredible growth of the sport, with National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and Local Roundnet Organizations (LROs) stepping up to build infrastructure, attract players, host events, and encourage new players to participate. We’re thrilled with how things have evolved and believe roundnet is best when it’s community-owned.
By stepping back from hosting the Spikeball Tour Series, we can focus on supporting even more organizations and investing in the sport’s long-term global growth.

Premier Status
Premier Status was originally a qualification system for Spikeball-hosted events, but with no STS in 2025, its purpose is no longer relevant. Going forward, player rankings will become integrated into the systems of each governing region:
- North America: USAR and Roundnet Canada are working on a shared system that will incorporate current Premier status and will give players an opportunity in their events to earn Premier. More information about this will be released in the coming months. Stay tuned to USAR & Roundnet Canada socials for updates.
- European Roundnet Association (EURA): Premier players will transition to EURA Gold Status, ensuring continuity in ETS events.
- Other Players: Rankings will vary based on your local or national governing body. Reach out to your organization to learn more.

LRO Support
Spikeball is doubling down on our support for Local Roundnet Organizations (LROs) and NGBs worldwide. We’re partnering with numerous groups to provide financial sponsorship, product discounts, donated equipment for events, logistical assistance, help with sponsorship solicitation, creative resources, and marketing/promotional support. Our goal is to encourage and enable hundreds of local organizations to grow Roundnet in their communities and create more opportunities for more players to connect and compete.

Professional Equipment Development
We remain committed to producing the best equipment for competitive roundnet. In addition our Pro Set, and Rally Ball, we’re unveiling our new TITAN set this year. This new set is designed and engineered with direct feedback from competitive players and has been rigorously tested by community members.
Stay tuned for more details about how this set will elevate the roundnet experience.

RRR25 Support
Spikeball is collaborating closely with various roundnet organizations to test and refine the RRR25 rules. We will sponsor testing weekends and work closely with community members to ensure any new rules reflect the needs of players and organizers worldwide. We hope our partnership efforts help shape a bright future for Roundnet’s viability for players and fans alike.

Find and Host Tournaments
Near You
We support and enable tournament logistics via our all-in-one event-hosting platform, Fwango.io.

Are you an organization leader or event organizer looking for support?
We offer a variety of support options, typically correlating with the sophistication of your organization and/or the size of the event you want to host. Here’s an example of our various support options to help set expectations about what’s possible. Once you know what you want to do, please contact us.
(500-1000+ players)
(100-500 players)
(50-100 players)
(<50 players)
Event Support
Robust Logistical
Modest Planning
Modest Planning
Will Provide Event Playbook
Access to National
Community Leadership
Local Connections
Our customer support team is pretty rad. We’ll do our best to respond to any inquiries within 24hrs. Please contact us by clicking on the button below.
What happens to Premier status?
Premier Status was originally created to serve as a qualification tool for Spikeball-run events. In 2025, there will not be any Spikeball-run events, so in turn, there is no need for Premier status/qualification. That being said, you may be wondering how Premier status translates to rankings within other roundnet organizations.
For US players, we are working with USAR to transition Premier status into the current USAR Rankings system. More information on this will be released soon but for now, check out USAR’s Rankings page. https://www.usaroundnet.org/rankings
For European Players, EURA has its own player status for those who participate in ETS events. Those European players that hold Premier status will automatically be qualified for EURA Gold status. For more information check out EURA’s Rankings page: https://www.roundnet.eu/seeding-rankings-2024
For Canadian players that hold Premier status, Roundnet Canada and USAR are working together to create a North American ranking and player status system. Once the system has been finalized there will be more details on how Premier status will translate to within this new system.
For all other players, we recommend reaching out to your National Governing Bodies to find more information about their respective player rankings and status.
Why are you discontinuing the Spikeball Tour Series?
When we started hosting events back in 2013, we were the only group/organization that was hosting roundnet events. These events were fun, small, grass-roots level events that brought people together in a structured way to play roundnet competitively. Little did we know that our events and event series would be the catalyst for a thriving global community of passionate roundnet players who would eventually begin to create their own organizations and run their own roundnet events.
Over the past 5 or so years, we have helped and supported the formation of dozens of roundnet organizations across the globe in hopes that these organizations would take on the role of hosting these competitive roundnet events. We feel that these roundnet organizations and National Governing Bodies are currently putting in the work to host top tier events and we cannot be more excited to step aside in the event hosting space and give them our full support in every way possible.
With us stepping back from hosting our own events, we are going to be much better equipped to progress the sport in a multitude of ways including providing higher quality equipment, providing direct support to the growth of National Governing Bodies, and providing top tier marketing efforts to increase the attention on the marquee roundnet events around the world.
It is now time for Spikeball to play the role of supporter, amplifier, and ambassador, and hang up the role of builder, establisher, and architect in the roundnet space.
Does this mean that Spikeball is done hosting events forever?
Nope! We will continue to evaluate when and where it makes sense for us to run/operate our own roundnet events. This might mean that we run a fun beach event every so often, or a roundnet training camp, or even a pro invitational. In 2025, the only event we have on the schedule that will be fully owned and operated by us is the 2025 Spikeball College National Championship.
What happens to College Roundnet?
We are still continuing forward with our involvement in college roundnet for the foreseeable future. This means that there will continue to be college sectionals coordinated by us and hosted by college clubs around the US and then a college National Championship at the end of every school year that is hosted by Spikeball. College roundnet is one space where Spikeball is the only organization working toward hosting a national collegiate series. Until another group comes in to help host collegiate roundnet events, we will continue to host our own!
Will Spikeball provide future upgrades to competitive equipment?
We are here to provide the best competitive roundnet equipment on the market and we will continue to do so for as long as possible. We pride ourselves on our ability to listen to the competitive community and produce equipment that they want. Speaking of this process, we have some equipment that is set to launch later this year that follows this exact process and we couldn’t be more excited to reveal that to you when the time comes!
Will Spikeball still be sponsoring tournaments?
YES! We are looking forward to all of the different tournament partnerships that we have cooking in 2025! Our goal is to sponsor the efforts of tournament organizers worldwide by providing financial support, logistics assistance, equipment donations, and more!
When making the decision on which tournaments and events to sponsor we look at 3 things:
1. Does this event align with our values?
2. Are the event organizers reflective of the Spikeball Brand and its Vision/Purpose?
3. What are the tangible goals for this event and are they conducive to bringing new people into the roundnet community?
Together with various roundnet organizations, we are going to help create hundreds of opportunities for roundnet players to compete in tournaments worldwide!
How will Spikeball be supporting organizations like USAR, Roundnet Canada, IRF, EURA, ASL, etc?
At Spikeball, we pride ourselves on our relationships with the various roundnet organizations out there. Not only are the leaders of these organizations our partners on a business level, they are also our personal friends! In 2025 and beyond we plan to provide sponsorship for as many of their events as possible, and provide direct assistance toward building and expanding their organizations.
We are here to help these organizations grow roundnet for the long term. Our measure for success is if these organizations are growing and then in turn, the sport itself is growing as well.
How is Spikeball going to support the RRR25 if they aren’t hosting events in 2025?
Throughout 2025, we will be working together with various roundnet organizations to test out rules for the IRF and the RRR25. While we may not be hosting planned events ourselves, we will be looking into the potential of sponsoring/coordinating additional testing weekends depending on the needs of the IRF when the time comes.
What is Spikeball going to provide outside of equipment for roundnet organizations/the competitive roundnet community?
We are committed to supporting roundnet organizations and organizers around the world and that doesn’t mean just handing out sets. We want to walk alongside organizers and help them achieve the goals that they set for their events. This might mean that we are sending 100 pizzas to a world-record breaking roundnet pickup event, or marketing local events by designing flyers and posting on our social media accounts, or even sending Andrew in the SpikeVan to help with tournament logistics and throw a bomb after-party.