Keep things spicy with these game mods

Catch n' throw
Great for kids wanting to pick up the fundamentals of the game

Pass & Spike
Great for kids wanting to pick up the fundamentals of the game

1 v 1
The Blue Shell and Lightning Bolt make things so much more interesting in Mario Kart. Here are Spikeball’s versions:
Floor is lava
The ball can bounce off the ground once per possession for both teams
Infinity touch
Your team has unlimited touches
Don't mess up
-2 points if either team hits rim
Sly five
At any time in a rally you can yell "SLY FIVE" and the opposing team must high five in the next 5 seconds or they lose the point.
Takes two to fwango
All players must hold hands with their teammates for the duration of the point.
Mortor combat
At any point in your possession your team can yell “MORTOR COMBAT” and wherever the ball lands you get to pick it up and throw it back towards the net resuming the rally with normal hits.
Double Cross
Trade partners with your opponent. Can only be used if your team is behind by 7 or more points.
One player starts the point holding an extra ball. This player must hold on to this ball throughout the point until he or she yells Yahtzee! At this point the extra ball becomes the active ball for the point. The “original” ball can be completely ignored. Immediately after Yahtzee is called the player must pass the new ball to his partner, this pass counts as the team’s first touch of the possession.
Players can only use the back of their hands to strike the ball
Stranger Things
The next point is played with the net flipped upside down
Birds of a feather
All sets must be (roughly) above 15 ft in the air
Star Spangled Manners
You must say "thank you" every time your partner sets or passes to you. Loss of point for every unsaid "thank you"
Friendly fire
Both teams can only win a point from the opposing team making an offensive mistake. Kill shots will result in a do over.