So you just got your new Spikeball MAMMOTH Set and you’re ready to get playing. NICE.
Here’s everything you’ll need to know in order to set up your equipment and start spiking. The truth is, it’s pretty simple, we’re just here to make sure you spend less time wondering and more time having fun.
Building the frame

- Slot together the 4 frame sections to form a complete circle.
- Turn your Spikeball MAMMOTH set upside down and insert the feet screws into the base of each frame section.
- Attach the Spikeball MAMMOTH net by pulling the elastic cord over the net tabs.

The Ball
The Ball Pump up the MAV1 ball to your desired inflation:
we recommend 90% full.

Packing away
Packing away Spikeball MAMMOTH comes with a strap to keep your frame sections neatly together.
Simply slide your secured frame sections into the Smuggler Bag along with the accessories.
How to play

Same rules apply to playing on Spikeball MAMMOTH as other Spikeball sets :)
Team One serves by tossing the ball and spiking it down on the Spikeball MAMMOTH net towards Team Two. Just like volleyball, Team Two has up to 3 alternating hits (ie, bump, set, spike) before they have to spike it back on the net. This continues as a rally until one team cannot return the ball. Once the ball is in play, there are no longer “sides.” Players can run and hit in any direction.
So there you have it, everything you need to know to get started with your new Spikeball MAMMOTH set. Happy spiking!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is MAMMOTH going to be the new tournament set?
July 20, 2023, from Chris Ruder, CEO, Spikeball Inc.
Hey roundnet players and Spikeball community,
We are so pumped about the rollout of MAMMOTH and can’t wait to ship out the hundreds of orders we’ve received! We love the notes and support we've been receiving and see there seems to be some concern that we’re going to try to force this to be the official kit in tournaments (spoiler alert: we’re not) while others have concerns with the price ($299). I appreciate the concerns. That means you care, which is something most companies would die for. I’d like to give a little background on why we created it and what we’re hoping to accomplish.
While we would like for the Spikeball MAMMOTH roundnet kit to become the standard equipment used in tournaments but, we don't see that happening any time soon. Don't worry though, we're not going to try to force anything through. Our Pro sets will continue to be the ones we use at least through the 2024 season.
Over time, we are hoping that everyone (players, tournament directors, governing bodies, spectators, etc) will choose it to become the new standard. We may host some smaller, Mammoth-only tournaments next year but they won’t count towards STS rankings/points/etc. You will start seeing MAMMOTH sets on the sidelines at the bigger tournaments so more players can experience it. Who knows, if the players aren't into it, it may never become the official set. We hope this isn't the case, but either way, this will be a collaborative effort!
So, why did we create MAMMOTH and what are we hoping to accomplish? Over the years we've noticed that gameplay at its highest level tends to have the shortest rallies. We heard the desire for more defendable rallies, and we got to work. Amongst other drawbacks, these shorter rallies can limit interest from fans and people watching online. The sport needs way more fans to continue to grow.
For the past 10+ years, in collaboration with players and the community, we've been testing variations on equipment and rules in hopes to advance the sport. One big, recent improvement from this testing was the no hit zone. Most people had reservations about it when it was announced but once they tried it, they loved it.
With all innovations, like MAMMOTH, the creators should expect some resistance. We are confident that once people play with it, they'll see what makes it so special. We invested a ton and are placing a big bet that we can continue to innovate and grow. That’s what we think is needed to move something forward, especially an emerging sport. We’re hoping you can continue to push the sport forward with us.
Chris Ruder
CEO, Spikeball Inc.