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Hey CrossFitter, do you even Spikeball?

So it turns out that 4X Fittest Man on Earth, Rich Froning, is also a Spikeballer. Equally as cool is that we’re starting to see more and more CrossFitters use Spikeball as a pre-workout warm-up, as a chill activity to play on their off days, and our favorite, as a part of their Workout of the Day.

The best we’ve heard is nausea inducing, but you should try it and let us know how it goes.

Spikeball WOD

Two Teams of Two.

Teams play 1 point of Spikeball. The team that wins a point does max double unders until the other team completes 5 synchro burpees.

Play another point of Spikeball, repeat.

First team to accumulate 300 double unders wins.


Easy right?

Reading next

What-is-Spikeball Spikeball Store